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MCS Dean's SAC
The MCS Dean's Student Advisory Council (SAC) was created to act as the representative liaison between MCS students and administration. Their intention is to promote unity among departments, promote MCS college pride, and provide support for students at all levels of their academic career. Events supported by the MCS Dean's SAC is listed on the MCS Facebook Group and the MCS Facebook Page has college-wide events and news.
Departmental Student Advisory Committees (SAC)
Departmental Student Advisory Committees provide the departments with student input for proposed curriculum changes, new programs, and other matters of concern. If you are interested in becoming a student representative, contact your departmental advisor.
The BioSAC is a very active group within the Mellon College of Science and coordinates fun and engaging events such as their annual Murder Mystery evening, that is written and acted by Biological Sciences students. If you'd like to participate in the BioSAC, email the Biology advisor Dr. Amanda Willard.
Science-related activities and groups
- The Astronomy Club
- Doctors of Carnegie
- Minority Association of Pre-health Students (MAPS)
- Pugwash
a non-advocacy, educational organization to increase student and faculty awareness of the ethical dilemmas created by the interaction of science, technology, medicine, and the arts within contemporary society. - Society of Physics Students
- Women in Science (WIS)
Contact Karen Stump ( or Carrie Doonan ( if you would like to join.
Outreach activities
Undergraduates tutor high school students and help middle school with science fair projects.
The Leonard Gelfand Center for Service Learning and Outreach supports more than 75 university-wide programs for K-12 students and teachers aimed at improving and enhancing the teaching and learning process.