Prasad Tetali
Alexander M. Knaster Professor,
Department Head
6105 Wean Hall
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

M.S., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Ph.D., Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Postdoctoral Appointments:
- Mathematical Sciences Research Center, AT & T Bell Labs
- AAAS Fellow
- Georgia Tech’s Regents Professor
- Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
- SIAM Fellow
Select Publications
Montenegro, R. and Tetali, P. Mathematical Aspects of Mixing Times in Markov Chains. In the series: Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, now Publishers (2006), Boston-Deift.
Bansal, N., Batra, J., Farhadi, M., Tetali, P. Improved Approximations for Min Sum Vertex Cover and Generalized Min Sum Set Cover. SIAM J. Computing , 52 (2023), 327-357.
Borgs, C., Chayes, J., Helmuth, T., Perkins, W., Tetali, P. Efficient Sampling and Counting Algorithms for the Potts model at all temperatures. Random Struct. & Algorithms, 63 (2023), 130-170.
Gozlan, N., Roberto, C., Samson, P-M., and Tetali, P. Kantorovich duality for general transport costs and applications. J. Functional Analysis, 273 (2017), no. 11, 3327-3405.
Gozlan, N., Roberto, C., Samson, P-M., Tetali, P. Displacement convexity of entropy and related inequalities on graphs. Probab. Th. Rel. Fields, 160 (2014), 47-94.
Bayati, M., Gamarnik, D., and Tetali, P. Combinatorial Approach to the interpolation method and scaling limits in sparse random graphs. Proc. of the ACM STOC 2010. Journal version in Annals of Probability, 41 (2013), 4080-4115.
Das Sarma, A., Nanongkai, D., Pandurangan, G., and Tetali, P. Distributed Random Walks. J. of the ACM, 60 (1) (2013).
Borgs, C., Chayes, J., and Tetali, P. Tight Bounds for Mixing of the Swendsen-Wang Algorithm at the Potts Transition Point. Probab. Th. & Rel. Fields, (online version: Nov. 2010), 152 (2012), 509-557.
Croot, E., Granville, A., Pemantle, R., Tetali, P. Sharp Transitions in Making Squares. Annals of Mathematics, 175 (2012), 1507-1550.
Friedgut, E., Rödl, V., Rucinski, A., Tetali, P. A sharp threshold for random graphs with a monochromatic triangle in every edge coloring. Memoirs of the AMS, 179 (2006), 66 pages.
Tetali, P. Random Walks and the Effective Resistance of Networks. Journal of Theoretical Probability, 4 (1991), 101-109.
Erdös, P., and Tetali, P. Representations of Integers as the Sum of k Terms. Random Struct. and Alg., 1 (1990) 245-261.